LINEAPELLE 2021: A New Point Of View goodstaffadv 29 September 2021

LINEAPELLE 2021: A New Point Of View

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Every change is followed by a restart, and this desire for ordinariness, us at AL.PI. Soles definitely perceived it during the annual appointment with the LINEAPELLE – International Leather Fair that was held from September 22th to the 24th in Rho, Milano Fair.

Following a globally complex period, it was wonderful to be able to meet again, even for a simple greeting and we want to seize this opportunity to share a recap of these days, to those who have not had the chance to take part in it.

LINEAPELLE is undoubtedly the key event when it comes to research and supply of materials for the fashion industry, as well as accessories and components related to it. And even this time, despite difficulties and concerns which we are all familiar with, the event was a success.
Crossing pavilions 13, 15 and 22 we had the opportunity to interface with over 700 exhibitors and more than 11,000 visitors, determined to discover the trends for winter 2022/2023, nevertheless the main topic of this 2021 can certainly be summarized in one word:  sustainability.

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LINEAPELLE 2021 - A new point of view

In the Fashion Center of the Milano Fair, there were numerous interventions and talks on current issues in which we had the occasion to participate, such as “Responsible Innovation and Responsible Finance”, with Christian Layolle, director of The Mills Fabrica or at the Live Performance Graphene high-performance demonstration by DIRECTA.
Most of these meetings were based on one common element: so far almost eight billion people must be dressed and fed and global forecasts attest that by 2050, the population could even approach ten billion. And it is precisely for this reason that the fashion and footwear markets have become so far some of the most polluting industries in the world.
However, while the face of our society has been changing through innovation, this has also made consumers and companies themselves much more aware.

The challenge that LINEAPELLE wanted to launch, can be deduced from this year’s slogan: Imagination & Re Wonder.
A new creative drive, which is based precisely on the combination of technology and sustainability, fashion and awareness, innovation and imagination to achieve an inventive momentum.

The a New Points of Materials space, has allowed us to observe and touch various selections of new generation leathers, materials and technologies throughout the history of their entire production process and consequently useful to move towards greater sustainability every day more than the one before: new systems aimed to fix what we have broken.
Ultimately, imagination, experimentation and change were the key words of this year.

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LINEAPELLE 2021 - A new point of view

We at AL. PI. Soles, have had the blessing to assist to an expansion of our business over the last year and this has obviously moved us towards new transformations and experimentations both for the final product and the process of production.
There is no doubt that this is going to be a long road, but it is absolutely needed.
There is an incredible desire in the progressive deepening of these issues and above all in the evaluation through pragmatic enthusiasm in order to understand where and how concretely we can act.

We are convinced that going forward we will be able to achieve this common goal and we hope that the main theme of this LINEAPELLE 2021, motivates and pushes in the direction of a more sustainable world.

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